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Muscle Building Vegetarian Diet Packets

Eight of the best vegan protein powders

best vegan protein powders shakes
Vegan protein shakes, how good are they? Credit: PeopleImages

2018 was something of a breakthrough year for veganism. 'Veganuary' saw 150,000 pledge to give up foods derived from animals for the month, and that's not including those taking part unofficially. It's estimated that over a million Britons are now full-time vegans, a number that continues to grow.

One of the main criticisms of the diet, often veering into lazy stereotyping, is that vegans are energy-sapped individuals who can barely run 100 yards without fainting.

While there is evidence veganism can lead to long-term fatigue issues, mainly due to a lack of Vitamin B-12 found naturally in animal products (a vegan B-12 supplement can help here), the number of athletes and bodybuilders switching to a plant-based diet suggests it can be just as effective for active individuals.

The Williams sisters are two high-profile sporting vegans Credit: Scott Barbour/Getty Images Sport

In recent years, boxers David Haye and Mike Tyson, the Williams sisters, UFC fighters, cricketers and footballers have all reportedly "gone green". Most famously, of course, did Popeye not develop huge biceps on a plant-based diet?

If you are thinking about making the change and worried about your protein intake, the good news is experts say with a little planning, plant-based protein can be just as effective to maintain an active lifestyle and repair and build muscle.

Can I get enough protein from a plant-based diet?

After speaking with several nutritionists, the general response was "yes, but...". This was invariably followed by suggesting vegans should plan meals carefully.

"You need a variety of different plant-based sources to make sure you're still getting all the essential amino acids", says Bethan Hamilton, registered associate nutritionist and National Educator for Vega.

Dr Adam Collins, Director of MSc and BSc Nutrition at the University of Surrey, agrees: "In the UK people eat around 150pc of their protein requirement. You're probably still meeting your requirements on a vegan diet in absolute terms. If you're combining plant protein sources you could equally get a full complement of amino acids."

"I think there's a big misconception that a plant-based diet is devoid of protein," says nutritional therapist Lily Soutter. "Make sure you are focusing on the good-quality protein sources, like tofu, tempeh, beans, lentils, chickpeas, quinoa, nuts and seeds. When you combine them it almost makes a jigsaw puzzle and can help to make a complete protein."

Do I need a vegan protein powder supplement?

While it's not set in stone - some will get enough protein from their diet - the experts agreed protein supplements could be beneficial, for both physically active and more sedentary vegans.

"For vegans they're really helpful," says Soutter, "as sometimes it can be hard to get enough protein within the diet."

"The amount of protein per 100g is going to be less from a plant base, which might advocate the use of a supplement. It would be physically difficult to increase protein intake by another way," adds Dr Collins.

Vegan protein shakes can be an effective way of building muscle Credit: Philip Hollis

If you're looking to build muscle on a plant-based diet but don't want to eat enormous plates of chickpeas and beans, a vegan protein supplement could come in useful.

Less active individuals should also consider a protein powder. "Protein is important for everyone, whether active or not. It helps the body grow, repair and maintain muscle tissue. Without muscle tissue we lose strength, bone health declines and our metabolic rate reduces," says Matt Roberts, a personal trainer whose Mayfair gym makes its own protein-packed vegan smoothies and lunches.

When should I take my protein shake?

While it seems that straight after a workout session is best, it can still be effective to take your protein shake beforehand - and even up to 24 hours afterwards.

"The hour after training is thought to be the best time," says Roberts. "This is because the muscles are in their most absorptive phase and any protein consumed will be best absorbed into muscle fibres, helping recovery and growth."

To Dr Collins, there isn't such a huge rush. "You've got plenty of time and opportunity from when you stop to when you next exercise to meet the requirement. There's no urgency to get it before you even get changed."

"As long as you're getting it one or two hours after the gym that's generally OK," counters Hamilton. "Because we eat protein so often we're constantly building and breaking it down. The actual timing is not as clear as it used to be."

Are vegan protein shakes as effective as regular ones?

This goes back to the debate on how complete a protein you're consuming. The best vegan protein powders are composed of a variety of protein sources, from pea and rice to hemp and algae.

While vegan protein is proven to be very effective, its efficacy may not be quite as high as whey, which has "been shown to be more effective than vegan protein", according to Roberts.

"Whey protein is a good promoter of building muscle, if that's one of your aims," says Dr Collins. "That's not to say you can't build muscle through a general intake of protein." Dairy-free alternatives "take a bit more effort to release the protein, and they're not going to give you a quick-release super-stimulus in the same way."

With all this in mind, I set about trying some of the leading vegan proteins powders. They were all tested primarily for flavour, with nutritional information taken into account. I cannot vouch for their ability to leave you looking like Arnie - we'll catch up in a few months' time on that front.

All the powders (of course, they're all suitable for vegetarians as well) were tested with milk substitutes or water, as per packet instructions. But as a useful tip, I preferred them all either sprinkled on cereal or in a fruit smoothie.

The best vegan protein powders to make your shakes

1. Form Performance Protein chocolate peanut

£26, Amazon

The Form Performance Protein chocolate peanut shake had the best flavour

The packaging exudes health; it almost makes me want to ditch my polluted urban lifestyle and make for an Alpine commune.

The ingredients are wholesome: pea, brown rice and hemp protein - and algae, which according to Dr Collins is a "fairly complete protein". At 30g of protein per portion, and only 2g of carbs, it ticks the right boxes.

But what about flavour? Well, it was my favourite, thanks to the delightful peanut-cocoa blend (a match made in heaven). When I first tried it, blended with almond milk, it was a little too thick for my liking - mostly down to the viscosity of the milk.

I have subsequently mixed it with water (good), and put a spoonful of it in my cereal every morning (very good). At £24 per 520g it isn't cheap, but it's my star pick nonetheless.

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2. Vega Clean Protein Vanilla

£20.24, Planet Organic

The Vega Clean Protein packaging had a muscle-building air to it, more so than the wholesomeness of Form. But we've all learnt not to judge a book by its cover; it's what's inside that counts.

And this protein was very tasty indeed. Mixed with almond milk, it was slightly less thick than the Form, and it wasn't too sweet. It tasted like a healthy vanilla milkshake.

Nutritionally it's pretty stellar, too. Protein variety is covered, with pea, hemp, pumpkin and alfalfa; its fat content is almost negligible; and it packs 25g of protein into a portion (a little less than the Form). All in all, a very nice protein powder.

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3. Purition chocolate vegan hemp

£12.99, Holland and Barrett

The Purition chocolate shake has a lightly chocolatey taste

This was the first one I tried, and my protein-mixing knowledge was still in its infancy.

The packet advised to "blend with 250ml of your favourite milk". I only had coconut milk in the fridge, which isn't my favourite. It's too thick, giving the shake an overly-dense outcome - nothing a little water or a lighter milk wouldn't fix.

My first impression was its incredibly earthy smell, which I put down to the hemp - not unpleasant, mind. The flavour was lightly chocolatey, not as strong as some others, but pleasing nonetheless.

In terms of nutrition, it's pretty impressive: hemp, linseed, sunflower kernels, chia, pumpkin and sesame seeds. Basically all the good stuff. With 14.2g of protein per portion, it's a little lower than some others, so perhaps not the best option for muscle-building.

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4. Liberto organic dark chocolate with sour cherry

£12.45, Amazon

The Liberto organic dark chocolate and cherry shake is distinctly sour

Here we go. Dark chocolate. Sour cherry. Organic? I like the sound of that. This is clearly one of the #wellness options. It ticks all the superfood boxes: chia, flax, maca and baobab. Pre-biotics? Tick. Pro-biotics? Tick.

The protein is varied, and in terms of quantity it's got 20g per serving, which is on the upper end of the spectrum

But what does it taste like? Pretty good, actually. It's distinctly sour, so ideal for fans of that sort of thing. I liked it best in a fruity granola.

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5. MISFITS Vegan Salted Caramel Protein Powder

£14.25, Amazon

The Misfits protein powder comes in chic, pretty packaging. The powder smells quite sweet, not unlike cookie dough.

I mix it with water, as per packet instructions. It's got quite a neutral flavour, not too strong, with just a hint of salted caramel. I imagine anyone but the anti-caramel brigade would find it pleasant enough.

But where it really shines is on ice cream - dairy-free or regular. Think of it as a healthier Horlicks alternative.

Nutritionally speaking, it's ace. Though it's relatively low in protein compared with other powders, it's got a whole host of qualities: flax seed powder for a healthy gut, green tea extract for added health benefits and Vitamin B12 to reduce fatigue.

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6. Arbonne Essentials vanilla

£42.95, Amazon

The Arbonne Essentials vanilla protein powder came in a posh-looking cardboard box. The powder smelt inviting, and it mixed easily with water - no clotting, no grittiness.

The vanilla flavour was a little too sweet for my liking - thanks to the sugar - but not altogether unpleasant.

Nutritionally speaking it was on the higher end in terms of protein: 20g per serving. The protein comes from a good variety of sources, such as pea, cranberry and rice. It's filled with all sorts of important vitamins, like B-12 and Vitamin D, and is fortified with calcium. The carb content was quite high, though, at 14g per serving.

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7. Bio-Synergy Lean and Green mint chocolate

£34.99, Very

In the protein shake world, tub definitely implies muscles, at least to me. The protein content of the Bio-Synergy backs this up, with 21g per serving. It's also got a pretty complete protein profile: pea, rice, buckwheat.

It smells really nice, just like the ice cream of the same flavour. My main issue, though, is the foaminess after blending. It settles after a while, but it's not ready to drink as quickly as some others, unless you like foam.

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8. Nutristrength pea protein roasted cocoa

£29.99, Amazon

With smart, cylindrical, pea-covered packaging this is a promising protein. The colour of the powder is dark brown and it has a pleasing, deep cocoa smell.

I opt for oat milk and blend it, the resulting drink very dark and thick. It's not at all sweet, tasting a bit like very dark chocolate, which I like, though some may find a little bland.

Nutritionally, there's 21g of protein per serving, which is pretty good, and it's very low in fat and carbs.

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Muscle Building Vegetarian Diet Packets
