If you ask any Parks and Recreation fan, they will probably tell you that April and Andy are their favorite couple on TV. Andy's adorable obliviousness and April's penchant for morbidness somehow collide in a perfect mix of sweet and tender love for each other. We don't know how, but they just make it work so well! We've probably lost count of all the times we've caught ourselves melting over a charming moment featuring these two. From their timid beginnings and April's attempts at making a clueless Andy jealous to buying the absolute worst (and probably haunted) house on the block, you just have to love those young'uns. Take a look at these 15 special moments that made us Team Dwyer all over again.

15 When they finally got together

Can we just say that it took way too long for this relationship to officially start? You probably agree. There were definitely a million times when a hint or a nudge from Andy's friends went right over the poor guy's head. And just when we were about to pull our hair out, he finally got a clue. But by then, April was totally done and out for revenge which included several boyfriends and a shunning. Thankfully, sweet Andy was so persistent and eventually, he won her over. That's when we all screamed, "Let the adorableness begin!" Although, we don't think we could have predicted how amazing April and Andy would be together. Seriously, who could predict something as awesome as that? The answer is no one...not even Leslie Knope.

14 When they bombed the Parks catalog

Parks and rec magazine
Via buzzfeed.com

While Andy and April were being pretty adorable throughout this whole summer catalog episode, with the sweater swap and setting up their own picnic and all, the rest of the episode's plot made us wonder how it could possibly end on a good note. But then Leslie held up the Park's summer catalog as the credits began to roll and we all swooned and knew deep down that everything was going to be okay. We mean, just looking at this photo gives us all the feels. April's genuine smile, Andy's cozy lean, the bread and cheese picnic—it's what relationships should be made of. You can feel the love they have for each other, even if it hasn't been declared yet, and you can tell that they make each other so happy. Grab your picnic blanket because it's definitely time to go recreate this with your own boo.

13 When they got married

Via: littlesati.tumblr.com

Was anybody else totally blown away by Andy and April's surprise wedding? Because we were. You think they're having a normal old house party and then April comes out in her little white wedding dress and we're like "whaaaaaaaat?!?" Yes, even though they've only been together a month, Leslie freaks out and they invite Oren to the wedding, those two lovebirds tie the knot. And we all agree that it was time. While we wouldn't advise a shotgun wedding, we can condone the serving of pizza rolls at your reception, wearing the little white dress in your closet and hiring your new husband's rock band for the reception's music. You'll stay classy and affordable and you'll have the most memorable wedding ever. We promise.

When Ben Wyatt moves in, we really get the idea of how immature the newly married Dwyers are. Gosh, he finds them eating food off of a frisbee and throwing their mail (bills and all) in the freezer. So we have him to thank for bringing a little responsibility to the Dwyers. Sending them shopping alone had to take some real guts and trust that they wouldn't come back with a new Wii—and they almost do! Or rather, they almost buy a cart-full of As Seen On TV junk. But Andy steps up to the bat and insists that they get only the items on Ben's list (plus a marshmallow gun, so he can torment his wife while she sleeps, like any good and faithful husband would do).

11 When they roleplay

Bert and Janet rp
Via: buzzfeed.com

We know that Andy has an undercover character named Burt Macklin. After he and April get married, April encourages this roleplay with her own character, Janet Snakehole. We regularly see Burt and Janet getting into scrapes at the Snakehole lounge, at the town hall, at the park and other places. To all the normal people in the show, it's probably weird, but to us, it's always so freakin' adorable. Andy dons his shades, April pulls out her fake accent and they romp around in a game of detective cat and mouse…that always ends in making out. It's the kind of thing that makes you wish you were brave enough to attempt with your own partner (except that accent would give you too much anxiety to try it...we understand).

10 When they host a Halloween party

If there's one party we would assume April will host, it's the gang's Halloween party. And they do it in style with pizza rolls and colored lights and costumes. But here's where you really see the difference in April and Andy: Andy is sweet, honest and just wants everyone to have a good time. April, on the other hand, gravitates towards scary and morbid and we wouldn't be surprised if she locked a guest in the closet just to spook them. But somehow, even with the jumping skeletons and dark corners, the couple manages to throw a successful shindig (even though she throws Chris's keys in the trash.) Not to mention they're inseparable but not too touchy feely during the party, which is all kinds of cute.

9 When they do Andy's bucket list

The local Pawnee cult has struck again and reserved the park for what they think will be the end of the world. While everyone else is busy worrying about their relationships and businesses, Andy and April decide to live like the world is actually ending. Andy shares his bucket list with April and she urges him to complete as many things as possible on it in one crazy day. They do things like take one thousand dollars out of their bank account so Andy can hold it, make the world's best grilled cheese sandwich and film a mini movie so Andy can call himself an action star. In the end, they steal April's dad's car and drive all the way to the Grand Canyon (even though Andy meant Mt. Rushmore). The encouragement and support that April shows Andy is totally endearing.

8 When they hosted Leslie's debate viewing

April and Andy make each other the main priority in their lives, but they also highly value their friends. When Leslie Knope goes campaigning for city council, they're ready to jump on board and give her the use of their talents. They even open their home to Leslie's supporters when she has her big debate, even though it means putting on their grownup pants for the evening. The party doesn't go quite as planned when they turn on the TV only to discover that they hadn't paid the cable bill (so the people there to watch the debate won't get what they came for). But it's still a super cute episode where you get to see the Dwyers dress up and try to act like adults, which is not an easy feat for two young lovebirds who are still learning responsibility.

7 When April made a lucky charm

During season five, Andy struggles with his purpose in life. He isn't satisfied to shine shoes and he explores different career options with April by his side. Based on his roleplay character, Burt Macklin, he settles on a police officer. Throughout all of his training, April and his other friends encourage him and help keep up his morale. Finally on the day of the big test, April presents him with the other end of the rabbit's foot…a dead rabbit she found on the side of the road and stuffed. Of course, Andy loves it and declares that he'll keep it forever. So what we learn from this is that even if it might be a weird gift idea, your S/O will love it because it's from your heart!

6 When there are bees

April andy bees
Via: pinterest.com

There are many times throughout the adventures of April and Andy that the two get caught in the crosshairs of Leslie Knope's schemes. Whether it's running for coffee or clearing the press, they're tight with their blondie. They attend all her speeches, park openings and important events...but one in particular did not turn out so well. When Leslie is prepping for the Unity Concert, she makes her announcement and tries to tear down the fence between Pawnee and Eagleton. Little does she know that the beehive on the other side will send a swarm to greet the media. April looks frantically for cover and Andy offers her his sweater, thinking he's immune to bee stings. He probably figured out pretty fast that he wasn't, but he protected his wifey anyway.

5 When they went to prom

Via: maeby-funke.tumblr.com

The prom episode of Parks and Rec is one of the best examples of April and Andy's differences. When the Parks Department decides to throw a prom for the high school seniors, Andy convinces April to go, even though we're rolling our eyes along with April because we all know she'll hate it. And she does hate it, for a while. She wears all black and is basically convinced that she isn't going to enjoy herself as she relives memories from her own high school experience. But Andy reminds her that their relationship is amazing and the wonderful way they live now wipes away all the horrible experiences from the past. It's a classic example of what love will do. So in the end, April dances and smiles and steals the crown from the prom queen when Andy is named prom king.

4 When they considered divorce

Via: elizabethtinafeys.tumblr.com

From day one of their marriage, April has threatened Andy with divorce. But she always adds something like, "and then I'll marry someone else and have an affair with you" or "and then I'll marry you again." It has to rub off on Andy a little bit because at one point, he is bursting with so much love for his wife that he wants a divorce so he can marry her again. You gotta admit—that's pretty adorable. Most people don't think of divorce in a positive way, but when April and Andy bring it up, it only circles back to them being with each other. They're really that stuck on each other! You probably won't find a relationship like that anywhere else, including on any other TV show.

3 When they grew up

In the last season, April begins by freaking out over a crock-pot meal. To her, the use of a crock-pot symbolizes the loss of her and Andy's youth and she gets upset about growing up. Andy calms her down and then they proceed to do what the Dwyers do best: make a rash and possibly immature decision. Namely, buying a house! They drive by an old place that's for sale and falling down and April decides she wants it, scary stairs and all. The fact that it's haunted just increases the appeal. So, like the good spontaneous people they are, April and Andy buy the house...and proceed to make out on a table even though it isn't officially theirs yet. You know, classic young people stuff.

2 When they have a baby

April andy baby
Via: buzzfeed.com

At the first thought of April and Andy becoming parents, you might shake your head uncontrollably. They live like teenagers. How could they take care of a child? But guess what? They manage it! Their sweet baby—born on Halloween to a heavily made-up April and an ecstatic and concerned Andy—is actually named Burt Snakehole Ludgate Karate Dracula Macklin Demon Jack-O-Lantern Dwyer. But, they call him Jack. Suddenly, April gets that motherly glow and Andy has that fatherly smile. And we all melt because seeing them grow from immature newlyweds eating off of frisbees to new parents is a beautiful thing and somehow, we know that little Jack Dwyer is going to be okay. Not only that, but at the end of the seventh season, we discover he's going to be a big brother! Clearly motherhood suits April better than we thought.

1 When they love unconditionally

April andy love
Via: dumpaday.com

Oh wait, this doesn't just happen in one episode—it happens in every episode that Andy and April are together! Through every situation, even when they're frustrated with each other or just plain hangry, they show love and care for each other. They support each other's dreams and goals. They build each other up when they're down. They play together—a lot and spontaneously. They encourage each other to give their all and do their best. They congratulate each other when there is growth and give hugs for the stupid things. They always pick each other and keep the bond of Team Dwyer strong. And amid all the cuteness and kisses, that's the biggest lesson we can learn for our own lives. Thanks April and Andy.

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